
Sailing through Software Engineering: A voyage into the SEa

12 Dec 2023

Embarking on this interesting course of software engineering has been both a challenging and enriching experience. As I reflect on my academic venture through this course, I am inspired to share the vast expanse of knowledge and skills that I...

Software Engineering Configuration Management User Interface Frameworks Open Source Software Development

Design Standards: The Architectures of Coding

30 Nov 2023

As a third-year computer science student, I’ve transitioned from having a crack at the basics of coding to tackling more nuanced and sophisticated concepts. Among these is the field of design patterns, initially mentioned in my earlier courses, has become...

Design Patterns Software Design Algorithms Object Oriented Programming

AI: the future of Education

21 Nov 2023

Introduction My introduction into AI was in my first year of community college. My understanding literally came from the word itself - an artificial knowledge base that mimics what human knowledge can produce and process, this time by a machine...

Artificial Intelligence Learning Methods Software Engineering Education

Am I Being Framed?

05 Oct 2023

If the code for the Workouts of the Day that we had done for this week could talk, I would bet they would continue to ask “Why am I being framed? I have not done anything wrong?!”. Well, in a...

UI Frameworks Boostrap 5 HTML and CSS

The Gold Standard

22 Sep 2023

When I began taking coding courses, I was solely focused on just getting the code to work. As long as there were no major errors and I got my desired output, I would submit my assignment. This was forgiven in...

ESLint Coding Standards Code Quality

Ask and ye shall receive

08 Sep 2023

Oh No, A Bug! Whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner of coding, you cannot always evade the plaguing of bugs in your code that causes a massive ordeal of revising your code, reading line by line, trialing...

Questions Answers StackOverflow

Outdated Classrooms

01 Sep 2023

A Hot Day at Yat Sen Secondary School It’s a scorching day at Yat Sen Secondary School, and I am making my way back to the classroom after the lunch bell rang. The humid air is choking, and the sun’s...

Software Engineering

Easy Peasy Javascript Squeezy

30 Aug 2023

C++ is the one who throws the lemons and makes you squeeze them Remember that phrase when life gives you lemons? Yeah, it rained lemons when I was starting out with Introduction to Computer Science courses at the University of...
