Am I Being Framed?

05 Oct 2023

If the code for the Workouts of the Day that we had done for this week could talk, I would bet they would continue to ask “Why am I being framed? I have not done anything wrong?!”. Well, in a sense, they are correct. With Bootstrap 5, at its core, offers a structured grid-like based system and it does not constrict anything like what a normal frame would do but it enhances our web development.

Being Framed
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Initial Hurdles

Being Framed
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When I started reading on Bootstrap 5, I was so overwhelmed when I read up on the vast documentation, although detailed, was daunting. The turning point however was when we had swiftly created the bootstrap navbar component which would have been more exhausting if I tweaked it with raw CSS instead. The satisfaction of creating the navbar with minimal effort was superior. The pieces started falling into place.

Simplifying with Bootstrap

I imagine Bootstrap 5 as a template that simplifies the technical intricacies of doing meticulous CSS adjustments. In addition, Bootstrap 5 makes us think systematically in a way that we are reminded that we should not place web elements arbitrarily but to align them in a structured way. Moreover, the predefined components and styles means that we can work faster through our web development.

Standardization and Collaboration

What’s more is that if we are using something that is already predetermined, then that means it is standardized across all the boards so there is a harmonious coding system, avoiding conflicts and would streamline collaborations leading to widespread adoption.


So to my Workouts of the Day of this week, you being framed is not a bad case against you in court. You are being framed for being fast, better and more compelling to use.